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国際学生交流プログラム助成 グローバルNow!

2018年04月10日 RIES(米)

Come back to Japan this summer

Nakatani RIESプログラムの米国人卒業生2名が再来日の予定です。

一人は2016年に東京大学で勉強したChandni Ranaさんです。


  • Hina-dan(ひな壇) Hina-dan(ひな壇)
  • Holiday Party Holiday Party

もう一人は2017年に京都大学で勉強したEmily Nishiwakiさんです。

2018 Amgen Scholars Program in Japanに参加し、京都大学 大学院エネルギー科学研究科で量子エネルギープロセスの研究を行うことになっています。

EmilyはConnell大の学生で、フリスビー部(Cornell Wildroses)で活躍しています。昨年のNakatani RIESで得たものの上に更によい経験を積んでいきたいとのメッセージを送ってきてくれました。

  • Emilyが所属するフリスビー部(Cornell Wildroses) Emilyが所属するフリスビー部(Cornell Wildroses)


This summer I will be returning to Japan to conduct a two-month internship at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute. Ever since the Nakatani-RIES program ended, I was yearning to visit Japan once again. When I found out about the RIKEN BSI Summer Program, I thought it would be the perfect way for me to conduct an exciting new research project in Neuroscience and also once again experience life in Japan. The Nakatani-RIES Program taught me so much about being an international researcher and I felt that I grew as both a person and a scientist. I’m looking forward to applying everything I learned about living and working in Japan this summer at my new lab at RIKEN!


“The Nakatani RIES Program has given me the amazing opportunity to explore my scientific interests as an undergraduate in an international setting. It was a privilege to connect with other passionate STEM students from both the U.S. and Japan. Overall, the Nakatani RIES Program has helped me cultivate my career goals and has ultimately taught me to look at my life from a different perspective. I am really looking forward to returning to Japan so that I can continue to build on my experiences from last summer!”